Presentation Topics
A seasoned speaker, singer, and Bible teacher, Mary is in demand for conferences, lectureships, women's events, writers workshops, publishing programs, and other venues. Following are some of the topics she is often asked to present for Bible study events and in the publishing arena.
Bible Study Topics
"Glimpses of Glory! Learning To See God in My Mirror"--Based on Galatians 5:22-25, explore with Mary a unique look at how the Spirit of God produces God's attributes in the lives of his children. These attributes exhibit themselves as acts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control or what we know as the fruit of the Spirit. Highlighted with music, delightful stories, humor, special props, and visual aids, this presentation helps you to begin seeing God shining in your own face when you look in the mirror. A challenging, different approach to this biblical topic, you'll find yourself laughing and crying, and you'll come away with a renewed heart and refreshed spirit.
Length: Two 45-minutes sessions
Audience: Especially appropriate for women's retreats, conferences, and events
"Hugs from Heaven."Based on her best-selling book, Hugs for Women, and other Bible study materials, this funny and serious presentation explores the amazing love that God has for each of us and how he demonstrates that love in unique and wonderful ways. It also celebrates the many wonderful attributes of women and how we use those attributes and gifts to show our gratitude and love to God in return. 1 John 3:1 says, "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God. And that is who we are!" Sometimes we take that lavish love for granted, but this lesson will help us remember to praise and glorify God for his astounding, sacrificial love.
Included in this presentation is a delightfully funny and poignant video entitled "Hugs from Heaven" as well as special music and props.
Length: Approximately 1.5 hours in two 45-minute sessions
Audience: Appropriate for Women’s Retreats, Conferences, and Events
"Life is the Pits . . . But Laugh Anyway!" Have you ever looked around at life and thought, This is the pits? When you look at what's happening in our world today, it's logical to conclude that life is the pits. The government seems to be running amock, the economy is limping along, and the jobless rate is the highest in twenty-five years. So what should we do? Quit? No, as Christians we can laugh anyway! In this upbeat, funny presentation, based on Ecclesiastes 3:4 and her book And God Said, Let There Be Laughter! we will look at biblically based ways to find joy, even when the problems of life are overwhelming. Life sometimes is the pits--that's just how it is. But through faith in the God who can save us, we can laugh in the face of despair anyway
Length: Approximately 1.5 hours in two 45-minutes sessions
Audience: Appropriate for Women’s Retreats, Conferences, and Events
"Little Taps on the Shoulder from God." Based on 1 Kings 19:11-12 and her book Little Taps on the Should from God, this presentation explores how God touches our lives in quiet and gentle ways. We most often think of God's arrival with a shout and roar, like thunder and lightening, but he most often comes in on gossamer wings like a butterfly, on tiptoe, or on a soft breeze. And because he comes in so quietly, we sometimes don't identify it as God. Instead, we call our experiences by other names, such as fate, coincidence, good fortune, or other misnomers. This upbeat, seriously funny Bible-based presentation will help us learn to identify God's little taps and to call them by his name, giving him the glory and praise for what he does in our lives every day.
Length: Approximately 1.5 hours in two 45-minute sessions
Audience: Appropriate for Women’s Retreats, Conferences, and Events
All About the Bible
As a thirty-year veteran Bible editor, compiler, and producer, Mary's knowledge of the Bible, how it came to us, how it's translated, and how its history ties to events in world history is extensive. Two topics she loves to present are these:
"A Fascinating Look at God's Book." This five-week or five-hour series of lessons explores topics such as "How We Got the Bible" (a PowerPoint presentation that overviews the history of the Bible and how it came to us), "Translations, Versions, and Apps," "Can You Really Trust the Bible," "How to Study the Bible" and an interactive class on "How to Rake a Bible Passage." Punctuated with fascinating facts from history and humorous side stories, this series will provide facts to support your faith in God's Word as the basis of your salvation.
"This was one of the most interesting studies I've ever been through. I learned so much I'd never known before. Loved it!" --Ellen, Fort Worth
Length: Approximately 5.0 hours total. Best presented in five different sessions but can be done at a weekend retreat.
Audience: Adult Christians and seekers. Appropriate for a weekly class setting or weekend retreat.
“Outlandish Love!” Linking God’s Word to World History. Based on Mary’s book, The Amazing Expedition Bible, this fascinating study puts most of the primary Bible stories in chronological order (rather than biblical order), and then links them to prominent and interesting world history events by date. In this presentation the story of God’s outlandish plan of love for us becomes so much more obvious and clear. The intricate details of how God worked out his eternal plan helps us realize to what extremes he went to save us.
People who have been through this series often comment, "This is the first time the Bible has ever really made complete sense to me. Thank you!"
This intriguing Bible study is accompanied by extensive visual aids that Mary puts up week by week until the entire story of God’s plan is visually displayed across fifty-five feet of wall space. A unique, eye-opening study that may help you see the overarching plan of God and “get it straight” in your mind for the first time.
Length: Best in six one-hour sessions. Can also be presented in six one-hour sessions for a weekend retreat.
Audience: Appropriate for older teens and adults
Publishing Topics
“The Changing Face of Christian Publishing: A State-of-the-Industry Report and Challenge.” As a thirty-year veteran of the Christian publishing industry, both as a best-selling author and as the managing director of Creative Enterprises Studio, Mary has extensive inside information about how the industry works. In this fact-filled and positive presentation, Mary explores the vast changes currently taking place in the industry and how they affect Christian writers, composers, artists, and publishers. Topics include such concepts as consolidation, crossover, core inventory, electronic publishing, social media, and others. A fascinating inside look at Christian publishing—where it’s been and where it’s headed.
Length: Approximately 50 minutes
Audience: Appropriate for writers and publishing groups, Christian lectureships and workshops.
“The Author’s Role in Christian Publishing: I Thought All I Had To
Do Was Write! ”Having authored more than one hundred books, primarily in the Christian market, with sales exceeding seven million copies, and having served as editor of literally hundreds of books by well-known authors, Mary is highly qualified to speak on this topic. In this in-depth look at the author’s job, she covers such topics as where to find ideas for books, how to fit into the publishing process, deadlines and what they mean, how to know God is calling you to write, doing your homework, preparing your manuscript for submission, and developing your relationship with professionals in the publishing industry. An extremely valuable training session!
Length: 50 minutes
Audience: Especially appropriate for writers groups, publishing conferences, et al
“Bringing Your Memoirs To Life.”As Bob Hope used to say, “Thanks for the memories.” Memoirs means a record of one’s life and/or experiences. It’s the same root word as memories. It’s like a mental scrapbook of your life in which you save the events and happenings you want to remember, relive, and re-enjoy. Or, perhaps, it’s a collection of your life happenings that you want others to know and remember—your children, grandchildren, and other family members. In this practical and fun presentation, Mary gives step-by-step suggestions on how to get started with your memoirs, how to get organized, what materials you will need, and ideas for creating your memoirs in written, audio, or video formats.
Length: About 45 minutes
Audience: Perfect for senior citizen groups, scrapbookers, women’s clubs, or any interested group of adults.