Bestselling Author, Publisher,
Singer & Speaker/Teacher
Known as a delightful storyteller, Bible teacher, humorist, singer, and encourager, Mary Hollingsworth engages both your heart and mind. Her naturally humorous personality comes through in her writing and speaking, helping you apply the great truths of God’s Word to your own life in powerful, motivating, uplifting ways. An excellent student of the Bible, Mary provides you with a lighthearted but profound look at the life of grace and joy God intended for you to experience.

Author. Do you need your joy and hope restored? Are you feeling a little down and depressed? You'll find messages of refreshment and renewal in Mary's more than one hundred fifty best-selling books, such as My Little Bible, The International Children's Story Bible, Hugs for Women, the Let There Be Laughter series, and the One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter.
You'll find many more in The Hollingsworth Gallery.
Speaker. Perhaps you need an upbeat, dynamic speaker for your next women's event, writers conference, publishing workshop, or Christian seminar. If so, Mary is a great choice. Her style is relaxed, seriously funny, and spiritually challenging. For more information and possible topics, click here to contact Mary directly.
Singer. In her rich contralto voice, Mary will lift your heart with her upbeat and diverse musical styles. Give yourself and a friend a listening treat with a copy of her album entitled Magnify! A Diversity of Praise.
Publisher. Need editorial services or help publishing your book? Are you looking for a way to get your book produced? With many years' experience in publishing, Mary serves as publisher and president of Creative Enterprises Studio.
Check out their website to meet their amazing team of more than three hundred highly experienced and skilled publishing freelancers and to see the experience and many services they offer individual authors, companies, churches, ministries, traditional publishing companies, and others.