Gift Books
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Apple Blossoms
A Tribute to Teachers
A tribute to those wonderful people we call teachers. Beautifully illustrated by Leah Palmer Preiss. A collection of funny and reminiscent essays and quotes about teachers and teaching. The perfect gift for your child to take to his/her teacher for Christmas or end of school.
The C. R. Gibson Company, 1990
Padded cover. 76 pp.

Apple Blossoms

Big Hugs for Women
Stories, Sayings, and Scriptures to Encourage and Inspire
Two Books in One!
Buy this one book and get two! Included in this volume are two complete best-selling Hugs books: Hugs for Women (Mary Hollingsworth) and Hugs for Girlfriends (Philis Boultinghouse). Heartwarming stories that will life your spirits and tug at your emotions. Mary's Hugs for Women resided on the best-sellers list for more than a year and was a Finalist for Gift Book of the Year. The perfect gift for a woman you love. Illustrated throughout.
Howard Books/Simon & Schuster (New York, NY)
256 pp./ Hardcover

Big Hugs for Women

Christmas Miracles
True Stories of Joy and Wonder
A collection of about 40 first-person, true stories of God’s divine touch at Christmas. Heartwarming and uplifting. Faith-building and inspirational. A great way to spend the days leading up to Christ’s birth or the perfect gift for anyone on your list.
Guideposts Books: New York 2008
240 pp. Hardcover

Christmas Miracles

Hugs for Women
Stories, Sayings and Scriptures to Encourage and Inspire
This long-running best-seller contains touching stories and inspirational messages to fill your heart with courage and confidence and the knowledge that you are loved and needed. Personalized scriptures and uplifting quotations form verbal hugs for a woman’s heart and soul. Beautifully illustrated throughout. The perfect gift for any woman you admire.
Howard Books/Simon & Schuster
128 pp. Hardcover with dust jacket.

Hugs for Women

Little Taps on the Shoulder from God
Stories of When God Whispers Your Name
This long-running best-seller contains touching stories and inspirational messages to fill your heart with courage and confidence and the knowledge that you are loved and needed. Personalized scriptures and uplifting quotations form verbal hugs for a woman’s heart and soul. Beautifully illustrated throughout. The perfect gift for any woman you admire.
Andrews McMeel Publishers, 2002
128 pp. Hardcover with dust jacket

Little Taps on the Shoulder from God

Love Notes from God
Messages of Love from Above
God is the lover of our souls. And he sends us messages of his amazing love every day—love notes from heaven! These notes are delivered to us in unique and special ways—the hug of a friend, words of encouragement, the fragrance of roses in a garden we pass, a letter of support. The inspiring stories, scriptures and quotations in this beautifully illustrated gift book will remind you that God still speaks to us today, if we only listen for his voice.
Tyndale House Publishers
128 pp. Hardcover

Love Notes from God

Love Notes from God for Busy Moms
Messages of Love from Above
By Helen Young/General editor, Mary Hollingsworth
God sends busy moms love notes in times of joy and sorrow. These wonderful stories of love and faith will touch a mom’s heart and set her soul souring. With spaces to write loves notes back to God, this simple gift book will give moms everywhere a brand new way of talking and listening to God.
Tyndale House Publishers
128 pp. Hardcover

Love Notes from God for Busy Moms